BUG's life

bugsage this name has been appearing on the internet since 1997. It was the e-mail account that I used first ever on the internet. It is not a word. It's a combination of words. So that I can easily open an account name everywhere on the internet without being conflict with other username. This is my second Blog on the internet. Hope to enjoy much here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


很久沒有在這裡發文, 誰知一來到就是要發洩自己內心的不快.

今天晚上的球賽, 球隊的表現就如一盤散沙, 一堆糞土. 沒有form, 進攻時迷失方向, 防守時亦雲遊四海. 比賽時不專注, 又不知道自己在場上做什麼.

自己的體力已經不足, 加上服藥後藥力發作, 比賽途中更覺得自己好似透不過氣來一樣. 打了短短的十分鐘更是無功而還. 表現爛透了.

退場後自己自我埋怨, 之後也沒有上過場了. 球賽結束後自己獨個兒離開. 不想再嬉笑...

其實回想這也很難怪, 各自抱住的比賽心態不同, 很難要求每個人跟自己的想法一致, 要打出自己的水準之餘又要想球隊贏出比賽, 這的確是十分困難的事.

牢騷完畢, 又要回到現實了...