BUG's life

bugsage this name has been appearing on the internet since 1997. It was the e-mail account that I used first ever on the internet. It is not a word. It's a combination of words. So that I can easily open an account name everywhere on the internet without being conflict with other username. This is my second Blog on the internet. Hope to enjoy much here.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


1. 15/07 羽毛球活動
2. 22/07 抱抱Love Music 抱抱都要 Moov by 抱抱家族
3. 29/09 - 02/10 萬世歌王 x 男人之虎 by 詹瑞文

Something related to Vanilla from
Wikipedia :
...Vanilla is a flavoring, in its pure form known as vanillin, derived from orchids in the genus Vanilla...

I think I need to practise squash, tennis again start from next few months. Also need to practise swimming skills due to my "half bottle" skills level...

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Angel's Sound

每次的對話, 令我彷彿與天使對話. 妳就像是來自天國一樣的. 每次也令我陶醉於對話當中.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


我知道, 我在未來的數週, 將會十分忙碌, 而且, 還應該會有一些事情, 發生在我身上. 此將會影響我的一生.

我熱切監察未來數週的進度, 希望曙光能夠為我而出現.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

第三場: 技術性擊倒

小組最後一場賽事, Atoms 與 X-Team的比賽中, 被技術性擊倒, 以15 : 41 大比數落敗. 亦因為這場比賽賽果, 在小組以較差得失球, 敬陪末席.

開賽前另外一場小組比賽, 由於IIT 以兩分之微險勝 Insurance Team B, 以較佳得失球, 進佔第二位. Atoms 要晉級, 必須勝出比賽, 或者落敗不少於6分.

比賽開始, Atoms 外圍未能夠做到足夠起手空間, 雖然打出3:0 的攻勢, 但對手站穩陣腳後, 便頻頻以內線高度的優勢, 在籃底得手, 另外外圍也有一定的把握, 漸漸控制戰局.

Atoms 自此以後便一直處於落後的劣勢, 每一節都給對手壓著來打. 最後以大比數落敗.

這次比賽暴露了球隊的弱點, 遇著頑強的內線對手, 我方球員在攻擊時便顯得力有不足, 外圍未能控球做出空間, 讓球員輕易做出起手動作.

誠然, 這一次是完全地被技術性擊倒.


今天將會舉行決定Atoms 能否出線第二輪小組的比賽. 賽前証實今天只會有七名隊員可以出陣, 其中一名隊員仍然養傷中, 另外兩名隊友由於工作關係, 未能抽空出席.
