BUG's life

bugsage this name has been appearing on the internet since 1997. It was the e-mail account that I used first ever on the internet. It is not a word. It's a combination of words. So that I can easily open an account name everywhere on the internet without being conflict with other username. This is my second Blog on the internet. Hope to enjoy much here.

Friday, December 29, 2006


由於台灣發生大地震, 讓對開海域的海底電纜受損, 引致負責輸送資料的光纖電纜受損, 香港上網大幅度受影響. 很多外國的網站如xanga.com, friendster.com, 等等完全不能登入. 幸好blogger.com還能進入, 好讓我能夠在這裡, 繼續寫Blog.

換了新的電腦, 感情生活亦有了重大的改變, 2006年對我來說, 實在非常重要和有意義. 以後的日子將會有所改變, 變得不平凡, 變得有所牽掛, 變得有人掛念. 一切的改變, 都是美好的.

我以後要好好愛惜妳, 保護妳. 我要讓妳快快樂樂, 我要讓妳無憂無慮. 這是我樂意去做的, 畢生的樂事.